Job Announcements

The Paleontological Society will post job announcements of relevance to our members. To have your job announcement included on this page, please forward your information exactly as you wish it to be displayed to [email protected]. All job postings will remain on this page until the application deadline or for 3 months. To extend or terminate your post, please submit a request in writing. 

Assistant Professor of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy Department of Biology, Geology, and Environmental Science University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Assistant Professor (Paleontology), Department of Geosciences – Fort Hays State University

NMNH Paleobiology Collections Management Positions 

MSc opportunity, micropalaeontology/geochemistry - University of Manitoba & Manitoba Museum

Postdoctoral Teaching & Research Fellow - US-NY-Old Westbury

Director of the Beneski Museum of Natural History - Amherst College, Amherst, MA

Collection Manager (Invertebrate Paleontology) at the University of Alabama

South Carolina State Museum - Collections Manager - Columbia, SC

Curator, Community Science - Los Angeles, CA

South Carolina State Museum - Collections Digitization Assistant - Columbia, SC

South Carolina State Museum - Collections Management Assistant - Columbia, SC

Assistant Professor - Paleontology - Miami University 

Tenure-Track: Assistant Professor in Environmental Geosciences – Texas A&M University

Assistant Professor in Sedimentary Geology | Boulder, CO

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Positions in Biological/Life Sciences - The School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Principal Paleontologist | Pasadena, CA

Postdoctoral position in Paleontology, Southern Methodist University

Technical Report Writer, Department of Paleo Services, San Diego Natural History Museum 

Lecturer in Invertebrate Paleontology | UCL London

Dr. Elizabeth (Betsy) Nicholls Postdoctoral Fellowship – Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology