Paleontological Society Student Research Grants

The Paleontological Society invites applications from student members for a limited number of $1200 research grants. Undergraduate and graduate students conducting research on any aspect of paleontology may apply. International students are eligible. The top three proposals will receive Mid-America Paleontology Society (MAPS) Outstanding Research Awards.

Deadline: February 10

Who may apply?

  • Undergraduate and graduate student members of the Paleontological Society conducting research on any aspect of paleontology.
  • The program is not limited to U.S. students.

How to Apply:

  • All applications must be submitted electronically by completing and submitting this form. An email confirmation will be sent to all applicants.
  • Attach a two page proposal (PDF or Microsoft Word document) using the file uploader built into the form. 
    • Project Description (1st page) and Budget and References (2nd page).
    • Please use a 12-point font and 1 inch margins.
  • A letter of support should be sent to this email directly by advisor or other recommender by the award deadline. Please include the applicant’s first and last name in the subject and body of the e-mail message.
  • The applicant must be a member of the Paleontological Society at the time of submission of the grant application.  You can join the Paleontological Society here.

Following Project Completion:

  • Awardees must submit a short summary of their project and a photo, either of themselves at work in the field or of an aspect of their research. News releases and press clippings may be submitted in place of these items.
  • The applicant is responsible for following university or federal guidelines and laws concerning the use of radioisotopes, radiation, human subjects, vertebrate animals, etc. The applicant must ensure that the proposed project is logistically feasible (e.g., verify outcrop access) before submitting the proposal. The applicant is also responsible for obtaining any permits that may be necessary for field collecting.

Important Note: An e-mail confirmation of the receipt of your completed application will be sent to you immediately following submission of this form. If you do not hear from us in a follow-up email with-in two days following the submission deadline, please contact Christina Belanger.

See Grant Types and Past Recipients.

If you have any questions about applications or the submission process for grants, please contact [email protected]